LewRockwell.com – January 17, 2011 Posted on January 17, 2011 by RSS Feed Monday, January 17, 2011 The CIA, the Pentagon, and the Murder of Martin Luther KingJames Douglass on yet another federal assassination. How To Think ClearlyAbout the criminal State. Article by Butler Shaffer. The 20-Year War on IraqToo bad we can’t give Kuwait back to Saddam Hussein. Article by Laurence Vance. Inflation Is Here, and It Will Get Much WorseBuy real assets, says Jim Rogers. The American Bed Bug InfestationAlan Caruba on another gift of government. How Dare You Try To Break Out of JailThe Empire makes it more difficult to expatriate, says Mark Nestmann. From the Fatherland to the HomelandEric Peters on the evil of the “driver’s license.” Perpetual War for Perpetual EmploymentAnthony Wile on the bloodshed ahead. Gasoline WarsJeff Harding on relics from a less statist past. False-Flag ‘Terrorism’Planned and carried out by cops in a UK sting operation. No Power? No ProblemHow to prep for emergency cooking with an old-fashioned Dutch oven. Which Would You Rather Lose?A baldness drug threatens men’s intimate health, says Joseph Mercola.