LewRockwell.com – December 22, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Fascism and Economic Collapse
Ron Holland on the Argentine past and the American future.
Who Predicted the Housing Bubble?
The Austrians, of course. Article by Walter Block.
Defend Bradley Manning
That is the soldier’s duty, say Andrew Mason and Mark Crovelli.
The Evil Paul Krugman
He attacks Ron Paul. Article by Robert Wenzel.
Mountains of Debt, No Jobs
16 shocking facts about the college education bubble.
Do You Have an Adequate Level of Privacy?
Bill Rounds on how to assess and increase it.
The Monetary Hurricane
Michael Pollaro on what’s ahead.
Kids Are Reading…Junk
It’s time to revive the classics, parents. Article by Nicole Russell.
The 12 Mistakes of Christmas
Rose Prince on avoiding them.
Municipal Meltdown Dead Ahead
100 US city governments could collapse in 2011, says Elena Moya.
Wassail, Wassail
Punch – made in a bowl – is the superior holiday drink.
Want To Cleanse Your Liver, Colon, and Blood?
Add green superfoods to your diet for 30 days, says Margaret Durst.