LewRockwell.com – December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010
John Lennon’s Murderer
Was he a CIA hitman?
You Call This a Leak?
Gary North on a brilliant marketing genius, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks.
So Long, Starbucks
Individualism comes to coffee making. Article by Jeff Tucker.
Libertarians and Amazon
Bill Anderson on the State’s power to destroy.
Criminal Baloney
Paul Craig Roberts on the Western governmental claim to virtue.
How To Resist the New World Order
But can the old America be restored? Anthony Wile interviews Ron Holland.
The King of the Imbeciles
He works for the government, of course. Article by Becky Akers.
The Monetization of US Government Debt
It’s far more frightening than you think.
Are You Being Followed?
Bill Rounds on how to foil snooping investigators.
The Fed’s Secret Set of Books
The Mogambo Guru on $9 trillion of their off-balance sheet transactions.
The American Empire Is Going Down
Here’s how. Article by Alfred McCoy and Tom Engelhardt.
Confused About the Amount of Vitamin D You Need?
Far more than the FDA and MSM say. Article by Donald Miller, MD.