Announcing Publication of The Doublespeak Dictionary

The newest libertarian cult classic comes to you in the form of a dictionary. One in which the hilarity of the doublespeak of Washington and the mainstream media is exposed in alphabetical order.

The Doublespeak Dictionary satirizes the marked difference between the ideal of “We the People” and the reality of “We the Elite”, while offering an insightful glimpse into the clockworks of the totalitarian mind. Ever irreverent but never irrelevant, Leslie Starr O’Hara’s first book serves as a subversive and humorous but timely reminder that the Emperor has no clothes.

The words we use, and the meanings we associate with them, form our thoughts which lead to our actions.

Let us expose the twisting of language! Let us continue to use it right, and shine a light when they muck it up.

Laugh Much .

Learn Much.

Expose Always.

The Doublespeak Dictionary by Leslie Starr O’Hara, published by Free Patriot Press will be available December 15, 2010. The Doublespeak Dictionary will be available from and all major book stores.


Free Patriot Press is an independent alternative media / publishing company, founded by Darryl W. Perry in June 2009, with the mission of “ensuring a FREE PRESS for the FREEDOM MOVEMENT” and to also give new authors an avenue for publishing freedom oriented material.” FPP welcomes any author committed to the Freedom Movement.

The Doublespeak Dictionary was scheduled for a December 7 release, that has been delayed until December 15, 2010