| http://RealityReport.TV | Will the TSA soon be at every bus terminal and train depot in America? In this edition of the Reality Report Gary Franchi discloses the purpose of the TSA Viper Teams and what non-invasive methods the Russians and Iraqis use to hunt for explosives. A new initiative is launched to abolish the TSA and Gary gives you the steps to take action.
Nina breaks down the top stories including the Christmas Tree Bomber, what the media didn’t tell you about “Opt Out Day”, new information in the latest Wikileaks release, and what you need to know about the world silver market.
We are Change Chicago is featured from their latest street action, Beverly Eakman, co-founder of the National Education Consortium talks with Gary about how the financial crash can grow the police state, and Jesse Ventura returns to weigh in on the 9/11 Attacks.
The mailbag is sifted and an new Enemy of the State joins the ranks.
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