How did this process actually occur? It was quite simple. The central bank wrote checks, drawn on itself, in order to buy $600 billion worth of ten-year government securities from the secondary market. When the bond dealers in the private sector deposit those new checks (drawn on the central bank) in their own checking accounts with Acme Bank and others, then Acme et al.’s account balances with the central bank rise accordingly. In the table above, I have shown the change: the central bank’s liabilities in the form of electronic bank reserves now total $850 billion — rather than $250 billion. At this point, the central bank’s shareholders still have the same equity. But now their enterprise is more leveraged, because the ratio of liabilities to equity has grown from 9:1 to 15:1. In a sense — and this is a description that many economists have been using lately — the central bank has “borrowed short” in order to “lend long.” That is, the central bank has indirectly lent long-term money to the government (by buying its ten-year bonds) by borrowing very “short-term” money from the banking system/public.[2] Whatever the alleged benefits of our hypothetical $600 billion asset purchase, it undeniably puts the central bank at greater risk. The Central Bank Goes Broke?Suppose that price inflation begins rising in our hypothetical world, so that one-year interest rates rise to 1 percent, while ten-year yields jump to 8 percent. This makes the current market value of the central bank’s bond portfolio crash. Now the balance sheet looks like this:
As the table illustrates, the spike in interest rates causes the central bank to lose $7 billion on its short-term assets, but a whopping $245 billion on its long-term bonds. Because it recklessly exposed itself to greater interest-rate risk, our hypothetical central bank is now technically insolvent. That is, its liabilities exceed its assets by some $152 billion. Who Cares?Although our central bank appears to be insolvent, in practice what would hinder its continued operation? Its liabilities consist in the legal-tender fiat money of the land. If someone walks into a branch of the central bank, hands over a $20 bill, and says, “I want to redeem this!” the teller can calmly reply, “Do you want that as two $10 bills, or four $5 bills?” Things are more complicated for a small central bank that has liabilities denominated in other currencies. But for the case of the Federal Reserve — with dollar-denominated liabilities — it is hard to see what actual constraints it would face, should its accountants suddenly announce its insolvency. Even if there is a “run on the Fed,” where all of the commercial banks want to withdraw their electronic reserves on the same day, the central bankers need not panic: they can order the Treasury to run the printing press in order to swap paper currency for electronic checkbook entries. (This is a neat trick unavailable to the mere commercial bankers.) However, if the central bank were to actually become insolvent, it would be quite scandalous. The government would probably have to “seize it,” lest the public realize that the whole scheme was a giant, legalized counterfeiting operation. In my opinion, this is the bankers’ main concern at the moment. They surely don’t like thousands of economists blogging away on the possibility of the Fed going bankrupt, because that gets more and more people thinking through the logic of our crazy banking system. ConclusionFor those interested in an analysis of the actual Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and its various interventions into asset markets since the financial crisis began, I will be offering a new Mises Academy course, “Anatomy of the Fed,” in early January. In the meantime, it will be interesting to watch the academic debate over “QE2” unfold. Although they are focused on the narrow question of solvency, economists and other analysts are slowly realizing that Bernanke’s “exit strategy” could collapse if and when interest rates rise sharply. Robert Murphy is an adjunct scholar of the Mises Institute, where he will be teaching “Anatomy of the Fed” at the Mises Academy this winter. He runs the blog Free Advice and is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, the Study Guide to Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market, the Human Action Study Guide, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal. Send him mail. See Robert P. Murphy’s article archives. You can subscribe to future articles by Robert P. Murphy via this RSS feed. Notes[1] I should point out that some avid Fed watchers, such as Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, think that Bernanke is not engaging in “QE2,” and that he doesn’t intend to expand the Fed’s balance sheet. [2] Especially if the central bank pays interest to commercial banks for keeping their reserves on deposit (rather than withdrawing them as currency), this way of thinking has a certain plausibility. |