LewRockwell.com – November 26, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010
TSA Lies About the Scanner Radiation Dose
It’s 20 times worse then they say, and is known to cause cancer, says James Ridgeway.
The Greatest US War Crime Against Japan
Ralph Raico on Harry Truman and the atomic bombs.
Tea Party Fave ♥ the Fed
Ellen Brown endorses Bernanke and QE2. Article by Gary North.
Korean Troubles and the Horrific Impact of War
Jim Rogers on global market corrections and commodities.
Stealing an Entire Music Camp
Will Grigg on the federal forfeiture gang.
‘Insider Trading’ Is No Crime
Yet the State is arresting financial businessmen again. Article by Scott Lazarowitz.
Fighting for Civilization
And against the TSA. Article by Bretigne Shaffer.
It’s Time To Get Out of Korea
Long past time, says Pat Buchanan.
Blue Eyes, Long Noses, Fair Hair
The Chinese villagers descended from Roman soldiers.
You Can’t Fix Insolvency With Liquidity
Jim Willie on the great economic misdiagnosis and what to do about it.
Moving Your Precious Metals Into Canada?
Marc Nestmann on a disturbing development.
14 Survival Lessons
That I wish I had known from the start, says M.D. Creekmore.