LewRockwell.com – November 19, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010
Don’t Fly
Until the TSA is abolished. Article by Becky Akers.
The First Bernanke
Murray Rothbard on John Law, the money crank who wrecked a country.
State-Sponsored Sexual Harassment
Get your dirty fingers off me, Jennifer Abel tells the TSA. NB: some bad language.
Survival Gardening
Tips for growing and storing throughout the winter.
Airport Cop Feels Up My Pregnant Wife’s Breasts
Before throwing me in a cell and then lying about it. A classic from Nicholas Monahan.
Millions of Disappearing Jobs
And the government lies about it. Article by Mish Shedlock.
You Can’t be Extradited for a Political Crime
Mark Nestmann on having a second passport, just in case.
From Currency Wars and Trade Wars to Real Wars
Gerald Celente on the beginning of the end of the Euro.
Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone
Harry Goslin on structured recess.
The Five Best Places to Retire
And they’re all, according to Susan Beverley, in Latin America.
The Sugar Timebomb
How many teaspoons are you taking? Article by Victoria Lambert.
Is It a Yam? Or Is It a Sweet Potato?
Mark Sisson explains the difference, and why it matters primally.