LewRockwell.com – October 15, 2010 Posted on October 15, 2010 by RSS Feed Friday, October 15, 2010 Republican Change You Can Believe in?Don’t make Gerald Celente laugh. Gold Standard vs. GreenbackeryEllen Brown responded to Gary North’s 31 historical criticisms. Now it’s his turn again. Yes, There’s Gold in Ft. KnoxIn the guards’ teeth, Ron Holland is told. Government Owns Your ChildrenAnd sometimes it decides to take possession. Article by Will Grigg. Royal LiarsAbout man-made global warming. Article by James Delingpole. Worried That Gold Is Headed Down?It will be an opportunity to buy more, says Marc Faber. Head Shot: the Murder of JFKAnd the single gunman assertion. Anarcho-Capitalism WorksTerry Anderson and P.J. Hill on the not-so-Wild West. Another Attack on Free Speech Rachel Maddow contends that too much free speech might lead to control of “our” elections by foreign communists! Article by Tom Eddlem. To Select Guns for Your Bug-Out BagHere is what you must know, says M.D. Creekmore. LoveIt’s a painkiller, like morphine. What Is Aspartame?Only the most dangerous food additive ever, says Joseph Mercola.