LewRockwell.com September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010
‘Sex-Ed’ on the Web Gary North on the young phenom who outdraws Oprah.
The Role of the CIA In the NYC mosque fiasco. Article by Mark Ames.
Behold, the Ascendancy of Gold This is just the beginning for it, and silver too, says Jim Willie.
‘We Live in Revolutionary Times’ Ron Paul on real change from the grassroots.
Global Alarmists Love Melting Ice Tim Ball explains what it really means.
Will Obama’s Lieutenants Order Your Death? Robert Wenzel on what’s ahead in “health care.”
The Economics of Mass Destruction Current economic policies are destroying capital and our well being, says Jeff Harding.
The Emerging Global Fed Even worse than the US monster? Article by Alex Newman.
Senior Moments? Memory loss is not a normal part of aging.
Billionaire College Dropouts What did they know?
Tasering Tax Payers? Tax collectors get police-like power in the UK. Another precedent for us?
Meat Candy Mark Sisson’s guide to that savory primal treat, bacon.