(NaturalNews) Consumers have largely ignored every marketing effort by the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) to “health-wash” high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as being the same as all other forms of sugar. But the group refuses to give up. According to the Associated Press, CRA is now petitioning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow it to change the name of the highly-processed, controversial sweetener to “corn sugar” in yet another attempt to convince the public to accept it.
No matter how you look at it, HFCS is a highly-processed, unnatural form of refined sugar that inflicts a heavy burden on the liver. Besides being derived from corn, of which the vast majority is genetically-modified (GM), HFCS is linked to metabolic syndrome, heart disease and type-2 diabetes.
Last year, studies also found that at least half of commercial HFCS contains high levels of toxic mercury due to the extensive chemical refining process necessary to produce the sweetener. Nearly a third of the HFCS-containing breads, cereals, sodas and other consumer foods tested as part of the study showed up positive for mercury.
Reposted from NaturalNews