reboot the republic daily August 21, 2010

Going on Hiatus For a Couple Weeks

Posted: 21 Aug 2010 02:41 PM PDT

We will be going on hiatus for a couple weeks. We might post here and there but it will be inconsistent to say the least.

Be back in a couple weeks!


Related posts:

  1. Updates will be slow over the next couple of weeks
  2. Fed Bashers: Washington’s Odd Couple
  3. California Budget Is Already in the Red 10 Weeks After Passage

Video: Milton Friedman Interviewed by Phil Donahue (1979)

Posted: 21 Aug 2010 08:56 AM PDT

While I do have some philosophical disagreements with Milton Friedman on economics (ie: the free market and privatization of all regulation, business and services would protect individuals from harm much more effectively than any system of government or government taxation/theft scheme), this interview is great at destroying many of the statist economic myths we all hear everyday.


Related posts:

  1. Video: Milton Friedman – “What Is Greed?”
  2. Jesse Ventura Interviewed About Conspiracy Theories
  3. Video: Congressman Phil Hare Says “I Don’t Care About the Constitution”