Introducing the Ron Paul Freedom IRA

by: Ron Holland

“In plain English, the idea is for the government to take your retirement savings in return for a promise to pay you some monthly benefit in your retirement years.” ~ Newt Gingrich & Peter Ferrara, “Class Warfare’s Next Target: 401(k) Savings.”

Gingrich and Ferrara are correct in their recent editorial on the Obama Administration proposals for new mandatory automatic IRA accounts and their goal to force existing retirement funds into government controlled annuities. But this is only the tip of the iceberg for Teresa Ghilarducci and her big government proposals to loot your IRA and retirement plan assets to fund the federal government.

The Freedom IRA

Basically this would be an IRA with a $5,000 maximum contribution annually where instead of a tax deduction the individual contributor would received a tax credit for the entire contribution. So the ultimate question for the working taxpayer would be, “would you rather give the first $5,000 each year you owe the IRS to the government or contribute it to your own “ironclad” private IRA account?” For lower income workers who might contribute more than their annual tax bill, the tax credit could be carried forward to future years thus creating a future tax holiday for the participant.

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