Thursday, October 29, 2009
CRG Meeting
While I am not a “conservative” (more of an anarcho-libertarian) I do enjoy going to the CRG meeting – I’d go to a “liberal”, “socialist”, “constitutionalist” or any other type meeting I could, if I had the chance to meet and question candidates for public office. I do this, not just to educate myself, but as a service to educate you.
The guest speakers were Steve Cooper (Director of Training for Paladin Training, Inc.) and Alan Wilson, candidate for SC Attorney General – and son of Congressman Joe “You Lie” Wilson. I recorded most of Mr. Cooper’s speech as well as much of Mr. Wilson’s – along with the one question I asked him on camera.
Afterwards Alan did say that he should have re-worded his answer to me; he would, as “Chief Prosecutor”, not press charges against anyone charged with “breaking” an unconstitutional law. I also asked him if he was familiar with Downsize DC and the Downsize DC Agenda – “Read the Bills”, “Write the Laws” and “One Subject at a Time” – he seemed very open to the ideas and even excited that someone would propose something like that. He said that he would give the information on these bills to his dad. I take this as a good sign for the Downsize DC Agenda – time shall tell if these proposed bills get introduced and/or make any headway.