Monday October 12, 2009 saw yet another member of the Freedom Movement get arrested. This time it was Catherine Bleish, founder of the Liberty Restoration Project – you may recall it was LRP that broke the story of the MIAC Report in the Spring.
According to FreedomsPhoenix, “Catherine was standing outside of a courtroom repeatedly mentioning how the citizens should not be forced to stand in the cold at a public office when a police officer told her to either shut up or go to jail and mentioned that she needed to be on a leash if anyone had one. She asked why she had to choose either and was subsequently arrested.”
MaryAnn Bleish, Catherine’s mom, was gracious enough to post updates on her daughters Twitter (which is linked to her FaceBook) and told me via email that Catherine was arrested by Maplewood, but transfered to the Richmond Heights jail because Maplewood doesn’t have a jail.
Tracy Ward added, “what is not stated in this article (on FreedomsPhoenix) is the fact that when she was confronted about being arrested, she asked on what grounds and the officer said “I’ll make something up!” This was witnessed by 10 people, who of which they have names and numbers for and they are willing to testify to the fact the officer said that.” Catherine was later charged with “failure to comply.“
Even though, the PD said she was to be held with no bond for 24 hours (starting 7PM CDT), $750 bail was posted and she was subsequently released around 1:45AM. Her first posts fter her release are: “ I’m free! Was arrested after cop said he would “make up charges to arrest me”- tazer pointed at bystander, 10 witnesses signed statement.” “Oh, and ps: I had so much fun. I gave them HEEEELLLLLL. Every single one of them will forever remember the term “”” & “Oh, I did cry at one point, they made me rip my nose ring out – it bled. Told me if I didn’t, they would “cut it out” by force. No Joke.”