Quitter.no: The Social Media Giant You Didn’t Know Was There

How can you not love that symbol for Quitter.no/GNU Social? Hail Satan!
My distaste for social media in general is something I’m well noted for. Notorious, really. I hate the shit. Not that I hate talking to people, but it all just seems like a game. It feels like a return to high school. It’s a popularity contest, in the end. For varying reasons that don’t avail themselves of certain alternatives (and they are reasons you’d never guess), I often engage in some upkeep of each of these social channels. Facebook. Twitter (the least of all evils). Google+, even. And Instagram…ho …read more

Vermont House Unanimously Passes Bill for Automatic Voter Registration

On March 8, the Vermont House unanimously passed HB 458. It provides that every adult citizen known to state agencies to be a Vermont resident will automatically be registered to vote. Such individuals will be notified that they have been placed on the rolls, and will then be given a chance to opt out. Vermont does not have registration by party, which makes this process simpler than in states that have registration by party.
The bill is sponsored by Representative Christopher Pearson (Progressive-Vermont). Thanks to Electionline for this news. The bill now goes to the Senate. …read more