PRO is tailored to simplify and clarify procedures for running a meeting. PRO focuses on flexibility and ease of use, accommodating modern meeting practices, including electronic meetings. While RONR is a comprehensive and widely used set of parliamentary procedures, it is rigid in nature and people who are more knowledgeable with the rules can manipulate a meeting.

New rules of order can simplify procedures, clarify ambiguities, and ensure the rules are easy to understand and use.

The purpose of using PRO is to ensure meetings are conducted efficiently, fairly, and transparently. PRO aims to facilitate active participation, clear decision-making, and effective management of business during meetings.

If a member uses incorrect terminology, the Chair shall not deem the motion out of order simply for that reason. The Chair will interpret the member’s intent and ask for clarification to ensure proper understanding of the motion and participation of the member.

If the Chair is unsure about a motion, they will ask the member for clarification. This ensures that the member’s intent is understood and that they can fully participate in the meeting.

If a member is disruptive, filibustering, or not complying with the Chair's rulings, the body may vote by majority to remove the member from the meeting to restore order.

Electronic meetings are subject to the same rules as in-person meetings. The platform used should facilitate participation, voting, and debate according to the established rules.

Yes, the member who made the motion can withdraw it before it is voted on. This allows for flexibility and reconsideration if the motion is no longer deemed necessary.

A member may request information from the Chair regarding clarification of a motion. This should not be used to debate the motion and is intended purely for informational purposes.

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