When should you the put the word government in scare quotes?

Are correct definitions required for correct thought?


Yesterday’s concept refuted the idea that legislation is automatically lawful. Today we’ll debunk the belief that an institution is a government simply because it claims to be one.


What if people started…


  • Putting the word government in scare quotes — “government?”

  • Calling the current “government” by a better name?


The Zero Aggression Project (ZAP) mini-article that addresses these questions is only 102 words long. You can read it in 30 seconds. It could change the way you talk about government, and perhaps how others think about it, IF you share it with them.


  • Go here to read the concept

  • If you like it, share it, using Facebook, etc.

  • Please consider linking to this concept whenever it relates to your Internet discussions.


Coming soon: More ZAP concepts, plus, our new ZAP polling software. Stay tuned!


Ending soon: The ZAP Founders Committee will close at the end of March. To join, contribute before the deadline.


Perry Willis

Zero Aggression Project



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