This is the official email newsletter of the Zero Aggression Project and, Inc.
“Smart meters” can hurt you, but the One Subject at a Time Act can protect you.
I wrote this letter telling Congress to introduce’s One Subject At a Time Act (OSTA). The hardwired message begins …
I would notice and appreciate your co-sponsorship of the “One Subject at a Time Act” (OSTA), HR 2113.
I encourage you to join me in sending a letter. You may borrow from or copy this …
OSTA requires each bill to be about ONLY one subject, so that each bill stands or falls entirely on its own merits. This would stop Congressional leaders from passing unwanted laws by clustering them with popular but unrelated bills.
I thought of OSTA when learning of the Smart Grid Advancement Act of 2013 (HR 2685). This bill could (…
* compel ALL electricity providers to install smart meters
* negate any state law permitting consumers to reject having a smart meter
* require energy-saving appliances to include wireless transmittersAlso…
* My private data could be transmitted, and…
* My power could be shut off by providers without my consent.This bill would NEVER pass Congress on its own. It’s too unpopular. But…
Will Congressional ideologues, who think regulators know best, sneak the Smart Grid proposal into a “must-pass” bill?
Such dishonest moves happen often in the thousand-page bills Congress imposes on us. And if this bad bill doesn’t survive this corrupt process, others will. And we won’t know about them until they’ve become law.
In other words, they will pass without our consent.
I DENY you the right to “govern” like this! I deny consent.
Support OSTA. It will go a long way to protecting the public from Congressional underhandedness and corruption.
If you don’t, I must conclude that you’re part of the problem.
You can send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.
You will receive a copy of your letter to Congress via email. Please share your letter with friends and ask them to take the same action.
And if you like having the Educate the Powerful tool, please consider starting a monthly pledge.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
Forwarding or reprinting is encouraged so long as you retain the attribution and action links and do not edit.
The Zero Aggression Project exposes the criminal violence initiated by The State and promotes the Zero Aggression Principle as the alternative., Inc. is dedicated to withdrawing consent from State criminality. These are non-profit, public education organizations with operations at: 1931 15th St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202*521*1200. The Consent Chronicle normally publishes four times per week.