NEW CAMPAIGN: I Withdraw My Allegiance from the Federal “Government”

The Consent Chronicle

This is the official email newsletter of the Zero Aggression Project and, Inc

Yesterday we shared evidence that NSA spying really is being used for domestic purposes.

We asked you to contemplate whether the time had come to declare the federal “government” a criminal entity and to withdraw allegiance from it. We asked you to consider discussing this question with your friends.

We told you we would launch a new campaign about this today. We just wrote Congress using this new campaign. The hardwired message for this campaign reads

I no longer consider the federal “government” to have any legitimate authority. I consider it to be a criminal entity. If I submit to it in the future, it will not be out of allegiance, but fear. Here is part of why I feel this way

If you choose to send your own letter you can borrow from what I wrote…

We were told that NSA spying was only aimed at those associated with foreign terrorists. We were told that this spying has no domestic purpose. The following Reuters story, with slides as evidence, demonstrates otherwise:

The NSA is sharing with the DEA, which is then sharing with local law enforcement through a secret organization called the Special Operations Division. This group is so secret that even their location is classified. Needless to say, no evidence they provide can be challenged in court.

This is the final straw for me. This obviously means that there were many other straws that preceded it. Some of them included

* NSA spying
* Fat-cat bailouts at taxpayer expense
* Missing weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
* Massive counterfeiting by the Federal Reserve
* Acts of torture committed in my name
* Indefinite detention under NDAA provisions
* Illegal wars
* IRS targeting of political opponents
* Drone attacks on foreign civilians
* The largest, national incarceration rate on the planet
* Assassinating Americans
* Obamacare imposed against the will of the people
* Illegal gun-running in Operation Fast & Furious

Please know that I am talking to others, trying to persuade them to likewise withdraw their allegiance.


You can send your own letter to Congress using Downsize DC’s Educate the Powerful System.

You will receive a copy of your letter to Congress via email. Please share your letter with friends, and ask them to take the same action.

Also, please understand that the radical extremists who are stealing our liberty will be given a pass by many. Some reading this message will call us the extremists. We will be attacked. We hope you will stand by us. The more you do, the more we can do. Please start a monthly pledge or make a one-time donation today, showing that you stand with us, because…

“Enough is enough.

Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Downsize DC

t h e C o n s e n t C h r o n i c l e

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The Zero Aggression Project exposes the criminal violence initiated by The State and promotes the Zero Aggression Principle as the alternative., Inc. is dedicated to withdrawing consent from State criminality. These are non-profit, public education organizations with operations at: 1931 15th St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202*521*1200. The Consent Chronicle normally publishes four times per week.