LewRockwell.com – August 10, 2011 Posted on August 10, 2011 by RSS Feed Wednesday, August 10, 2011 The Day of ReckoningIs it here? Article by Lew Rockwell. 5 Revisionist Books on WarJohn Denson talks to Lew Rockwell about federal lies. The Ice Is CrackingGet off the lake! Article by Gary North. Left-TotalitariansAnthony Gregory on progressives. Transportation Sadists ExposedFor exposing us. Article by Becky Akers. A Gift to the Merchants of DeathRon Paul on the “super-congress.” What If Ron and Rand Controlled the Congress?Pat Buchanan can dream, can’t he? Social Unrest, More Inflation, a Lost DecadeThat’s what more QE means, says Jim Rogers. The Jig Is UpEric Peters on financial fakery, car ownership, and the troubles ahead. 10 Stupid IdeasThat exacerbated the banksters’ global economic meltdown. Article by James Delingpole. Eat Your Broccoli, Cabbage, and Cauliflower, GuysEdward Group on how they attack prostate cancer cells. LBJ Helped Murder Her HusbandThat’s what Jackie Kennedy (correctly) thought.