LewRockwell.com – October 13, 2011 Posted on October 12, 2011 by RSS Feed Thursday, October 13, 2011 Why It’s the Mises Institute And why the regime is OK with Hayek’s politics. Article by Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Does the Bible Justify the Pentagon? Are you kidding? Article by Laurence Vance. The Federal Bureau of Instigation Justin Raimondo on the latest scam. America Is Royally Messed Up Mike Rogers on why he never wants to visit again. Conservatives Deserve To Lose Says a founder of the conservative movement, David Franke. How To Create an Anonymous Website Protect dissent from government violence. Article by Bill Rounds. The Prickly Pizzaman Implodes Ron Paul punctures former Fedster and current liar Herman Cain. Yet Another Government Hoax Glenn Greenwald on “Iranian terror” agitprop. You Know Your City Has Become a Hellhole When 16 examples of radical decline. ‘Good Government’ Is a Dangeous Myth Its economic crimes are all too real. Article by Bill Bergman. Coopted by the Ruling Elite Addison Wiggin on the ominous parallels between OWS and the Tea Parties. Prepping Your Home for Crime in a Disaster Tess Pennington on making it defensible, even if the grid goes down.