December 15, 2011
Contact: Christina Tobin (312) 320-4101
CHICAGO – Taxpayers United of America Vice President, Christina Tobin, called on Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear to set the standard for transparency by leading his state to release its government pension data.
“I have written a letter to Gov. Beshear, urging him to change the culture of secrecy surrounding government employee pension benefit amounts. He can champion a culture of transparency to ensure honesty and integrity through unlimited public review of all taxpayer funds”.
“I will be in Kentucky next week, releasing pension estimates for government employees. My first stop will be the Governor’s office to hand deliver the letter. TUA will hold a press conference on the steps of the Capitol in Frankfort, releasing pension estimates for state and local government employees.”
“Kentucky is one of a few states that interpret its Open Records Act exception regarding personal information to include pension payments. But as long as taxpayers fund the pensions, they have a right to review them”.
“I have asked Governor Beshear to take the lead in making Kentucky above reproach through complete transparency with public funds.”
Click here to view the letter to Gov. Beshear
For more information visit
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Chicago, Illinois 60605
312-427-5128 (o) | 312-427-5139 (f) |