Free and Equal is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :)

Free and Equal is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack 🙂

…and better than ever!

The Free and Equal Elections Foundation would like to announce the early 2012 launch for their revamped website at

Building on the last set of website upgrades, the new web design will upgrade both appearance and functionality, featuring an enhanced social networking application that is organized by state using an interactive map, and loaded with useful information about congressional candidates, and news and events for Free and Equal state caucuses.

The 2012 campaign season is moving fast. As the year progresses, Free and Equal friends and allies will be able to use the new website to keep citizens and media professionals up-to-date with pertinent political news, and let the politicians and lobbyists know that the people are watching. Our goal is to empower every American citizen to have free and equal access to the ballot, and our political process, whether as a candidate or voter.

Our project is well underway, but we need your help in the form of your most generous contribution. Confidence is government is at a new low, and our nation needs new choices and new ideas, now more than ever.

You can donate here. Thank you, and we would love to hear your feedback any time.

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