LewRockwell.com – December 6, 2012 Posted on December 6, 2012 by RSS Feed Thursday, December 6, 2012 Republicans for Big Government Is there any other kind? Article by Andrew Napolitano. Become a Secessionist It’s your patriotic duty, says Tom DiLorenzo. Outlaw Libertarian Doug Casey remembers American Indian leader Russell Means. May a Christian Be a Soldier? A dissenting view from the Rev. Robert Govett. Muscle Cars Still Rule The original ones, says Eric Peters. The Spy State Targets You Because you’re the enemy. Was Pearl Harbor a Surprise? Or was it part of FDR’s conspiracy for war? Article by Chris Rossini. Brutal Honesty Marc Faber on gold, Bernanke, and his twitter account. Article by Jared Cummans. The Covert-Action Cabal Justin O’Connell on CIA-Pentagon fusion. More Options for the Well-Heeled EU countries sell residency permits to wealthy migrants, says Mark Nestmann. Why Are You Deficient in Chromium? Take some to lose weight, increase muscle, says Margaret Durst. Silver Can Change Your Life The healing power of the colloidal precious metal.