URGENT: Congress about to surrender all ‘war powers’ to the President

URGENT! Don’t let Mitch McConnell give Obama a blank-check for war. Retweet

Congress gave George W. Bush a blank check for war in 2001. That blank check was called the AUMF — Authorization for Military Force. It led directly to the debacle in Iraq and the cascade of events that created ISIS. The AUMF is one of the great dark spots in U.S. history, and its still on the books as an active law. Now, compounding the problem…

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) just introduced a new Authorization for the Use of Military Force. It would permit the President to make war anywhere, anytime.

McConnell is skipping normal procedures to fast-track this new AUMF, and he already has four co-sponsors. A floor vote could happen at any time. Co-sponsor and war hawk Lindsey Graham is urging an immediate vote.

We must act now to fight both the old AUMF, and the new one. We have a campaign for that purpose. The hardwired message reads…

I want you to repeal the AUMF — the Authorization to Use Military Force, passed in 2001.

You can copy or edit the following sample letter to add to the hardwired message….

I also want you to oppose the new AUMF Senator McConnell is proposing.

This new AUMF gives President Obama a blank check to wage war on ISIS, with no restriction on the duration, location, or use of U.S. ground troops.

* It’s so sweeping that even some members of McConnell’s party were taken by surprise. Read the text here: https://www.lawfareblog.com/mcconnell-introduces-new-isis-aumf-senate

* And a Democratic senator, Chris Murphy (Conn.), calls it, “essentially a declaration of international martial law.”

The old AUMF led to self-destructive military fiascos in Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. It created the conditions that led directly to ISIS. Now the War Hawks want to fix their ISIS mistake by repeating their AUMF error. What future problems will that create?

ENOUGH! Repeal the old AUMF and reject the new AUMF.


Thanks for being an active DC Downsizer.

Perry Willis

Downsize DC