5 things that will get you a libertarian society

By DownsizeDC.org Let’s start the New Year with some fresh ideas. How many active supporters do you think we would need to execute the following five tactics…
Stop Congress from passing bad bills?
Pass good bills… like Downsize DC’s “Read the Bills Act?”
Score constant policy victories using ballot initiatives?
Hang juries so frequently that bad laws would become unenforceable?
Win super-majorities in state legislatures and Congress?
Can these questions be answered?

Well, four of these five things have already been accomplished by other groups. So we spent the last months of 2015 modeling those four examples and reverse engineering the fifth one. The result is something that’s never …read more

Source:: https://downsizedc.org/blog/5-things-that-will-get-you-a-libertarian-society