If Anyone Should Be in a Standoff, It’s the Paiute Natives Whose Land Was Stolen By Feds & Ranchers

By William N. Grigg What if the armed protesters who seized control of empty administrative buildings on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge were Paiute activists, rather than white militiamen?
Would left-leaning critics of this arguably ill-considered action denounce the protest as an act of “armed sedition against lawful authority” carried out by “domestic terrorists,” and call for immediate military action to slaughter the occupiers? Or would they consider the possibility that federal control over the land is illicit, the status quo untenable, and that the demonstrators are animated by legitimate grievances?
Harney County, Oregon, where the standoff is taking place, was named after General William S. …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/bundy-standoff-reminiscent-theft-native-american-land-feds/