Politicians make you a sitting duck for terrorists

By DownsizeDC.org Fight terrorism by repealing gun laws. Retweet
Media Alert: Today, Friday (11/20), Tuesday (11/24), and Wednesday (11/25), Jim Babka guest-hosts the Gary Nolan Show. It airs from 9 AM to Noon Central time, in Columbia and Jefferson City, MO. But you can listen at http://theeagle939.com/ — click on “Listen Live,” on the top right side of the page.
Terrorism and guns laws are connected. I sent Congress a message about this using Downsize DC’s “Repeal federal gun regulations” campaign. The hardwired message for that campaign reads…
Repeal federal gun regulations.
You can copy or edit the following sample letter for your personal comments…
Please notice …read more

Source:: https://downsizedc.org/blog/politicians-make-you-a-sitting-duck-for-terrorists