What Free Speech? Judge Bans the Words ‘Black Lives Matter’ from Clothing in Court

By Jay Syrmopoulos Worcester, MA – Four Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors, charged with disturbing the peace, had their trial date postponed until January 2016. However, the real story that came out of the hearing was the fact that Central District Court Judge Robert Pellegrini ruled that the protesters are banned from wearing clothing with the words “Black Lives Matter” on them in his courtroom.
“How is saying Black Lives Matter on a t-shirt or sweatshirt in a courtroom illegal or somehow disallowed and still have my free speech protected? This whole process is just so demonstrative of the disconnect between the law on …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/judge-bans-words-black-lives-matter-clothing-courtroom-activists-claim-free-speech-violation/