Texas Secessionists Trying to Use Obscure Procedure to Get their Idea on Republican Primary Ballot

By Richard Winger Texas does not have the statewide initiative. But it does have an obscure procedure in its election code for a group to petition for a statewide measure in a party primary. The procedure has existed since 1907, but apparently has never been used.
The Texas Nationalist Movement hopes to use the procedure, and to put a question on the March 2016 Texas Republican primary ballot asking if the party should endorse independence for Texas. See this story. The law requires a petition signed by 10% of the last primary turnout. The Texas Republican primary turnout was …read more

Source:: http://ballot-access.org/2015/09/18/texas-secessionists-trying-to-use-obscure-procedure-to-get-their-idea-on-republican-primary-ballot/