LewRockwell.com – August 10, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012
Do We Face Social Unrest or Worse?
Charles Burris on the past as current events.
Still Haunting China
Eric Margolis on Mao and the Gang of 4.
A Sign of the Future?
Social Security checks raided to pay for student loans. Article by Gary North.
Buried by Google
Bill Sardi on online insignificance.
16 Observations
On the Batman shooting. Article by Laurence Vance.
To Protect and Serve the Police
That’s your "duty," says Will Grigg.
Did the CIA Create Al Qaeda?
Ben Swann investigates real US foreign policy.
Brandon Smith on how it works, and how not to be fooled.
Golden Competition Is Coming
As the US debases the dollar. Article by Simon Black.
What’s Ter-ror-ism (Noun)?
When others imitate the US government.
The Queen of Survival Topics
Lisa Bedford on the art and science of food storage.
It Makes America Fat
High-fructose corn syrup is everywhere.