Drug War Insanity: Small Army Raids a Man’s Home Because His Medical Marijuana Card Expired

By Justin Gardner Attorneys are approaching Gregg Levendoski to defend his case after the medical marijuana patient was subject to a militarized raid over two dozen marijuana plants. 60 local, state and federal officers, including SWAT teams, stormed the remote property and arrested Levendoski, his son and his girlfriend.
It literally was a show of force, as a local news crew was invited along to witness the gross intrusion on civil rights.
Levendoski, not standing for it, has come forward to tell his story.
The 54-year-old is HIV positive, has hepatitis C and multiple forms of cancer. and is a registered medical cannabis patient who …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/army-law-enforcement-news-crew-raids-medical-marijuana-patient-expired-card/