Michigan Proposes Death Penalty for Killing an Officer- Furthering Special Treatment for Police

By Cassandra Rules Frankenmuth, MI– Senators in Michigan, the first state to ban capital punishment, have proposed a constitutional amendment allowing the death penalty for the first-degree murder of an on-duty police or corrections officer.
The resolution is sponsored by Sen. Virgil Smith, a Democrat, but also has backing from the top two Republicans in the GOP-controlled Senate. The divisive bill would require a 2/3 majority vote in both chambers before it would be put on the statewide ballot.
“I feel like if you shoot a police officer, you’re probably the worst of the worst criminal we have out there,” said Sen. Virgil Smith.
“If …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/michigan-senators-propose-death-penalty-killing-officer-furthering-special-treatment-police/