The difference between Congress and thieves

I told Congress to pass the Read the Bills Act.

Please do the same, you may copy or edit this letter…

Here’s why we need the Read the Bills Act….

A thief probably knows how he’ll spend what he steals, but Congress doesn’t. Here’s an example of what I mean…

You will have to pass another “omnibus” spending bill by December 11, in order to avoid another shutdown. But…

* As of December 8, this spending bill wasn’t even introduced.

* No one knows what will be in it, or have time to read it.

Even worse…

Those who vote AGAINST this bill will be called “obstructionists” and get blamed for a shutdown. Even though the bill will include…

* pork

* other special interest favors

* and who knows what else (you certainly don’t)

I do NOT consent ( to passing bills you haven’t read!

You work for me. I insist you pass the Read the Bills Act, which will…

* force you to write shorter, simpler legislation

* give ME time to learn what’s in a bill so I can send you feedback before a vote.

How can you claim to represent me if you don’t read the bills?


Send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.

James Wilson

Policy Research Director

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