Police Raid Home of 90-Year-Old Woman Because She Allowed People to Play Cards and Bet Money

By John Vibes Albany, New York – Last week, police in Albany raided the home of a 90-year-old woman because she was operating an ‘unlicensed casino.’ The raid followed a two-month investigation into the independent business that the woman was running out of her home.
Mary Helen Morgan was charged with keeping a place of gambling, disorderly house and illegal alcohol sales. while a number of her patrons were charged with a variety of victimless crimes.
Police also made off with tens of thousands of dollars worth of property in the raid. Police confiscated $4,100 in cash, along with a 2004 Chevy Silverado, a 2003 …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/90-year-old-woman-arrested-running-unlicensed-casino/