Is REAL ID Act Being Implemented Under Your Nose?

I told Congress to repeal the REAL ID Act using’s campaign.

It’s not the first time, I’ve done so. But new information requires me to do so once again. Please join me and do the same. You may borrow from or copy my letter.

REAL ID should be DEAD.

* We the people never wanted it.

* It was passed using underhanded, anti-representative means — combining it with Iraq War troop appropriations and tsunami relief.

* Most states are still out of compliance with its unconstitutional mandates. In fact, some of their governors and legislative bodies used their Tenth Amendment powers to outright resist.


* Bribed by hard-to-trace Homeland Security grant money, some states are reversing their opposition to REAL ID

* In other states, unelected bureaucrats are implementing REAL ID… in defiance of state law! (Source: Jim Harper of the CATO Institute:

These bureaucrats…

* Lack EMPATHY ( for the elderly, poor people, and those with name changes, who suffered hardships merely because wanted to renew their drivers license

* Presume they have our “CONSENT” ( because an unknowing populace isn’t protesting

Well, you should know…

You NEVER had our consent with REAL ID. To stop these state-by-state implementations of it, you must…

REPEAL REAL ID, once and for all!


Send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.

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Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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