Ferguson Demonstrators Perform Stunning Protest at St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

By Cassandra Rules “Which side are you on my friend? Which side are you on?”
In perhaps one of the most beautifully organized and powerful protests of recent memory, Ferguson activists organized a flashmob and went to St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Saturday evening to sing a Requiem for Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager murdered by Officer Darren Wilson.
Towards the end of the intermission, a protester stood up and began singing “Which Side are You on?”, a hauntingly perfect civil rights era song, adding “justice for Mike Brown is justice for us all.”
The protestors DID NOT interrupt any part of the symphony. The #RequiemforMikeBrown …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/ferguson-protestors-perform-stunning-protest-st-louis-symphony-orchestra/