Should You Pay for Bills Congress Hasn’t Read?


It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones.

Calvin Coolidge (1910)


I sent Congress another letter demanding passage of the Read the Bills Act.

Please do the same. You may borrow from or copy this letter…

You’re still writing the funding bills needed for the next fiscal year. But it starts October 1. That’s how far behind you are.

Like a college student, who has spent more time drinking beer than studying, you’ll pull a couple all-nighters where you’ll…

* combine these bills into a thousand-page monstrosity

* pass it, unread

* at a cost of over $12,000 per person

You’ll ALSO…

* allow little more than one day for “debate”

* never look at all the wasteful pork in the bill (except maybe to double-check and make sure YOUR bacon was included)

This isn’t “government.” This is NEGLIGENCE!

The Read the Bills Act would force you to actually ACT like a representative government…

* You’d have to read the bills you support, meaning fewer and SHORTER bills.

* The public would ALSO have time to read the bills and tell you what we think before your vote.

Your failure to read the bills tells me the “federal government” is a sham. If you want to restore legitimacy, start REPRESENTING me. And that means…



Send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.

You can also see what Congress passed so far this year on our blog.

At Downsize DC, we monitor Congress. We give you the tools to hold your Representatives  accountable. And we wrote the Read the Bills Act. Then, we even got the Read the Bills Act introduced in the Senate, and we also compelled a Representative to steal most of our bill, including the title, in the House.

But soon, we’ll need to Re-Start the process of getting the Read the Bills Act re-introduced with more co-sponsors. Please consider making a contribution to assist those efforts.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,

James Wilson

Policy Research Director

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