Your friends won’t hear these arguments from the media, so they need to hear them from YOU


The Zero Aggression Project gives you heuristics, starting on the homepage of the website. After reading the headlines, these mental tools can…

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Here’s how the Zero Aggression Project’s Co-Creators, Jim Babka and Perry Willis, are applying the heuristics to today’s current news stories…

What should you say about the beheading videos?

by Perry Willis

Do you have friends who insist we must “Do something!” about ISIS and the beheading videos? If so, what should you say to them? Here’s a powerful set of answers.

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What should you say about the Ray Rice video?

Why Roger Goodell should be nervous that there’s no electoral campaign to oust him

by Jim Babka

Everyone is talking about the video showing running back Ray Rice knocking-out his wife in a casino elevator. There are calls for the NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, to lose his job.

Is there a libertarian “teaching moment” available in this story? Is there something special you could say to your friends about it?

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