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Christina Tobin, Founder and Chair
Phone: 312-320-4101
Email: christina@freeandequal.org
Web: www.freeandequal.org
Christina Tobin to Host Proposition 19 Press Conference in Oakland, Tuesday Morning.
Speakers Include Tobin, Gary Johnson, James Rigdon and Gerald Murray.
MILL VALLEY, Calif. – Christina Tobin, founder and chair of The Free and Equal Elections Foundation, today announced she will host a press conference in support of Proposition 19, the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010. The press conference will take place at the Yes on 19 headquarters at 776 Broadway in Oakland, Tuesday, September 21, 2010.
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, Yes on 19 Field Coordinator James Rigdon and Gerald Murray, national youth coordinator for Laura Chinchilla’s 2010 Costa Rica presidential campaign, will join Tobin to speak at the press conference.
Topics to be addressed will include Proposition 19, U.S. occupation of Costa Rica, genetically modified organisms, preventing Top Two from spreading across the country and implementing proportional representation nationwide. Video of the press conference will be posted on the Free and Equal website later this week.
“Voting Yes on Proposition 19 gives people the opportunity, like almost never before, to vote for liberty, common sense, fiscal responsibility, practicality and less intrusive government – all at the same time!” said Honorable Jim Gray, a vocal supporter of marijuana legalization. “This will be one of the most important and pivotal elections of my lifetime!”
“Passing Prop 19 will allow the voters to strike a tremendous blow to violent cartels, larger than any law enforcement effort ever could. Marijuana prohibition policy has failed just like alcohol prohibition once did. We have an opportunity to have safer communities if we choose to regulate, control and tax cannabis in November,” said Dale Sky Jones of the Yes on Prop 19 campaign and Executive Chancellor of Oaksterdam University. “Free and Equal has been a wonderful supporter of this movement, supporting the passage of Prop. 19.”
Free & Equal is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, public-policy advocacy organization dedicated to protecting the rights of the politically marginalized and disenfranchised, particularly those of third party and Independent candidates.