The Senate’s (NOT the House’s) version of the USA Freedom Act is a good start
Sen. Leahy reintroduced the USA FREEDOM Act on July 29.
This new version is a much better bill than what passed the House. That bill was so bad, those who originally co-sponsored it, voted against it. Security-state fetishists who originally opposed it, loved the water-down changes and voted for it.
Obeying the Constitution means respecting the Fourth Amendment. That’s why you should pass pass THE SENATE’s version of the USA FREEDOM Act (S. 2685) WITHOUT compromises. The Leahy bill…
* prohibits “bulk” collection of our private data
* allows private companies to tell the public about demands to hand over their customer data
* creates Special Advocates for privacy and civil liberties before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)
* requires FISC decisions to be published
This bill is the BARE MINIMUM of what you should do. You must also…
* Eliminate loopholes and vague language in this and other reform bills
* Support the Surveillance State Repeal Act (HR 2818), which repeals the Patriot Act and most of the FISA Amendments Act
* Repeal and defund any other privacy-busting laws or programs
NOBODY consented to living in an Orwellian world. Obey your oath and REPRESENT US! was also part of a coalition of 40 groups recommending passage of the Leahy version of the USA Freedom Act. You can see the letter on our blog.
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Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
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