Is Congress Porking You?

How the One Subject at a Time Act could save your tax dollars


APPEARANCE ANNOUNCEMENT: Libertarian Convention, Columbus, OH

Downsize DC President, Jim Babka, and Chairman, Gary Nolan will be broadcasting from the Libertarian National Convention this Thursday and Friday, June 26 and 27, at the Hyatt Regency Columbus. More details coming soon. If you’re going to be there, and you’re interested in meeting in person, please send an email to with your contact info.


I told Congress to pass the One Subject at a Time Act.

Please do the same. You may borrow from or copy this letter…

The Senate is cramming several different subjects (Agriculture, Transportation, Commerce, Justice) into one giant spending bill that will cost the typical family $2,900.


There’s little to nothing in the Constitution that authorizes your micromanagement of these issues. Instead of funding these departments, you should abolish most of them.

Moreover, the more subjects there are in a bill, the longer and more complicated it becomes. It also opens the door for…

* secret deals

* pork

* and unjust laws

Keep bills simple, short, and transparent. Fund every department or agency with its own bill. Passing the One Subject at a Time Act would make that the law.

The One Subject at a Time Act also provides my neighbors and I with protection from criminal or civil charges, where your colleagues violate that law. In other words, if you pass a law that breaks the One Subject law, I can’t be punished for ignoring your illegally passed legislation.

I deny consent to any more legislation that violates the requirements of the One Subject at a Time Act. And you should too.


You can send your letter via’s Educate the Powerful System.

And please tell everyone you know to “Like” on Facebook.  

Jim Babka

President, Inc.



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