Is The State the Country?

Or is it merely one institution among many?


We’ve taken an intellectual journey over the past few weeks. We…



We also proposed that you should…



Today we’re going to turn in a new direction, and begin knocking down the Myths of Statism, starting here…


The State is NOT the Country

By Perry Willis & Jim Babka


Many people think the words “government” and “state”  are synonyms for . . .


  • Country

  • Community

  • Society

  • Culture

  • People

  • Territory


But when regimes disappear all those other things remain. Likewise…


Millions have lived under criminal rulers they hated, while still loving their countries.


Neither thing could be possible if the words government, state, and country all describe the same entity.


In reality . . .


  • The State is NOT the society, the community, the country, the culture, the territory, or the people

  • The words “state” and  “government” are NOT synonyms for all those other words. Instead…

  • A government is merely an institution — a service provider, like Exxon or Microsoft.

  • As such it should only serve, and never rule.


True governments do not belong at the top of a social hierarchy. Instead, they should operate in a completely subservient position, nestled inside a network of competing institutions.


If you love your country, but not The State, join the Zero Aggression Project.


– END –


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Jim Babka & Perry Willis

Co-founders, the Zero Aggression Project



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