Four Presidential Candidates File Petitions in Ohio; Evan McMullin is Not Among Them

August 10 was the Ohio petition deadline for presidential candidates who use the independent candidate procedure. The Secretary of State’s web page shows that only four petitions were filed: for the Libertarian slate, the Constitution slate, and independent candidates Michael Steinberg and Richard Duncan. Duncan lives in Ohio and has been on the ballot in Ohio as an independent presidential candidate in 2012 and 2008 as well, but he has never got on any other state’s ballot. Steinberg is a stand-in for Rocky De La Fuente, although it is not clear what the final names will be for that slate until after the stand-in process is completed.

The Secretary of State’s web page appears to have an error. It lists the Libertarian stand-in twice. It is believed that the web page actually meant to list the Libertarian stand-in once, and to list the De La Fuente stand-in once. But instead, one name got dropped and the other got listed twice.

Evan McMullin, the choice of anti-Trump Republicans, did not file.

The qualified parties in Ohio are Democratic, Green, and Republican. The Libertarian Party is still waiting to see if the Sixth Circuit will put it back on the ballot. It was a qualified party 2008-2014. Thanks to Steve Linnabary for the link.