We have yet another One Subject at a Time Act co-sponsor

One Subject at a Time Act picks up co-sponsor #17 Retweet

Our previous message announced two big bits of news…

  • Our 16th co-sponsor for OSTA
  • An online petition for OSTA that already had more than 11,000 signatures

Now we have even more good news for you…

  • We have a 17th OSTA co-sponsor — Representative Dennis A. Ross [R-FL-15]
  • [Dennis A Ross]

  • And the online OSTA petition is now up to 12,555 signatures

If you haven’t yet signed that petition please do so now! https://www.change.org/p/u-s-senate-demand-truth-and-transparency-in-u-s-congressional-legislation-now-support-o-s-t-a [Please note: This is not a Downsize DC tool. We cannot assist with technical issues related to it.]

And then, let’s send a letter to Congress telling all our reps about the 17 co-sponsors and the 12,555 petition signers. The hardwired message to Congress for our OSTA campaign reads…

I want my representatives to co-sponsor Downsize DC’s “One Subject at a Time Act” in the House (HR 4335) and the Senate (S. 1572).

You can copy or edit the following for your personal instructions to Congress…

I’m very excited that 17 House reps have already co-sponsored this legislation. I want my entire Congressional delegation to do the same!

In addition, 12,555 people have signed a Change.org petition on behalf of this common sense bill. The people are speaking. Please listen. I hope to see your name on this bill very soon!


Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,

Perry Willis

Downsize DC