Exponential Growth of Pot Sales Have States Frantically Pushing to End the War on Marijuana

By Matt Agorist An “exhaustively researched” report by analysts with ArcView Market Research show that the legal weed biz is exploding — exponentially.
According to the report, the legal sales of this amazing plant have jumped 17%, to $5.4 billion, in 2015 and they will grow by a whopping 25% this year to reach $6.7 billion in total U.S. sales.
The marijuana industry is quickly becoming a market force to be reckoned with.
According to The State of Legal Marijuana Markets report, the legal cannabis market will see a whopping $21.8 billion in total annual sales by 2020. By comparison, at that point, according to Fortune, …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/exponential-growth-pot-sales-states-frantically-pushing-war-marijuana/