URGENT: Audit the Fed ‘fast-tracked’ for a Senate vote

By DownsizeDC.org ACTION ITEM

Senator Rand Paul has introduced and “fast-tracked” S.2232, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015. But…
We must act fast — BEFORE JAN. 12, 2016! — to demand of Congress: Audit the Fed! I sent a letter to my “representatives” in Congress using Downsize DC’s “Audit the Fed” campaign. I’m going to share my letter with you, so you can copy and paste it.
But you shouldn’t act alone. We need others to join us in sending a letter to Congress. Numbers matter. So, reach out to five people who will passionately agree and ask them to join you.
This is doubly …read more

Source:: https://downsizedc.org/blog/urgent-audit-the-fed-fasttracked-for-a-senate-vote