What can Downsize DC do for you in 2016?

By DownsizeDC.org We want to shove the “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA) down Congress’s throat. In fact…

We think we could pass RTBA, and all our other bills, in as little as five years. How?

We think the necessary support is already out there.

How many Americans would support RTBA and our other bills if they knew about them?
How many Americans would have to consistently pressure Congress to get them to submit?
If the second number is less than the first, then the task is theoretically possible. But we think it’s more than theoretically possible. We think there’s a real-world model we could follow…

Gun Owners’ Rights

It’s …read more

Source:: https://downsizedc.org/blog/what-can-downsize-dc-do-for-you-in-2016