Have we won the fight against the REAL ID Act

By DownsizeDC.org Have the American people defeated the REAL ID Act?

Tonight, Downsize DC President, Jim Babka, will appear in Orlando, Florida. Tomorrow, he moves to Fort Myers, and Thursday he’ll be in Tampa. His talk is titled, “How one voluntaryist can turn Florida into a libertarian place.” Specific times and places can be found on the Zero Aggression blog.

Downsize DC has been fighting the REAL ID Act since Congress passed it in 2005. REAL ID established standards for ID cards that all states were supposed to follow. Ten years later not a single state has fully complied with REAL ID.

That’s because the …read more

Source:: https://downsizedc.org/blog/have-we-won-the-fight-against-the-real-id-act